Prof. Dr. Sunil Saxena
About :
Date of Birth and Place – 9th Oct 1956 ,FARUKKHABAD (U.P.)
Father’s name – Late Shri K.M.Saxena
37 years of Experience in Administration & Teaching in Drawing and Painting
PUBLICATION – Reference book “KANGARA KI CHITRAKALA” and various research paper and articles in National and International Journals. Attended various National and International workshops and seminars at various places in India.
Qualifications :
- M.A. PhD (Drawing and Painting)
- Former – HOD Fine Arts Deptt. Government P.G. College (Gyanpur, Ghazipur, Bareilly U.P.)
- Former -Regional officer Higher Education (U.P.)
- Former- Principal H.N.B. Govt. P.G. College Naini, Prayagraj. (U.P.